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Ua ahu ka imu, e lāwalu ka iʻa
Every needful thing is prepared, let us proceed with the work
Effectuating Needed Change Through Advocacy
The Kānaka Movement is a movement driven by grassroots activism, not special interest. We believe there are many ways to help effectuate change at the Community, County, and State levels. These include, but are not limited to: research, education, lobbying, social media, gatherings, marches, protest, peaceful civil disobedience, attending meetings, providing testimony, signing petitions, and taking legal action. However, one of the most effective ways to bring about needed change is through the political system and process, i.e., promoting pono candidates that will in turn advocate for needed change as elected political officials.
We will maintain an open door policy and reach out to communities in need and help them develop and advance strategies and agendas to address their concerns. We will be guided by ke Akua and our kūpuna, and reach out to our young people and those who do not regularly vote or have never voted before, and encourage them to participate in the political process so that their voices may be heard.
Becoming a viable movement and force for good in Hawaiʻi will be a monumental task. The path forward will not be easy, but it will be worth it. Together, we can do this, as a grassroots movement, by educating and mobilizing our ʻohana, friends, and neighbors to participate in the process. We must be the change we desire and effectuate needed change for ourselves and future generations.
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