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Ka naʻauao o nā kūpuna ka lama e hoʻomālamalama i ke ala no nā keiki
The wisdom of the elders is the torch that
enlightens the path of the children
The ʻAha Kūpuna or Kūpuna Council (KC), of the Kānaka Movement is a high-level advisory body. As kūpuna, the manaʻo of the KC will carry great weight and mana. The KC is specifically tasked to ensure that the Kānaka Movement remains a culture based and culturally competent organization. However, the KC will not be limited to issues of cultural competence only. The KC may share guidance and recommendations regarding any aspect of the Kānaka Movement, including planning, policy, and procedures.
Our ancestors referred to councils such as the KC as ʻaha. ʻAha is the process of making aho (thread or line) out of the bark of the olona shrub. This line was meticulously braiding into cordage and rope. Metaphorically, our ancestors associated individuals who came together to intertwine, and weave their knowledge, experience, and wisdom, to address issues and formulate solutions as ʻaha, the braiding of a strong rope.
The Kūpuna Council, like a strong rope, will benefit (with good manaʻo) the Kānaka Movement and hopefully, ultimately the Lāhui.
Melissa Leinaʻala Haa Moniz (Chair)
Lehuakawaikapuokalani Hewett
Skylane Kaleoʻokalani Ishibashi
Maxine Kahaulelio "Aunty Mack"
Nawahine Kaho‘opi‘i
Puanani Rogers

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