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Pu'ukohola Heiau.

O ke kahua mamua, mahope, ke  kūkulu 

Make first a solid foundation, then the building


The People of Hawai‘i are bound together by more than simply living in our island state.  We are bound by a shared set of ideals and values rooted in the notion that we are greater together; that our collective efforts produce something better than the sum of our individual actions; and that together, rather than divided, we can overcome the greatest challenges that come our way.  The road to success is through the basic values that we all embrace. We believe anyone can make it if they try—no matter who you are, where you come from, or what you look like. We know that Hawai‘i is strongest when everyone has a seat at the table and when the same rules apply to everyone, from Hilo to Līhu‘e, from the mountain to the sea.
Hawai‘i is ranked as the worst place to earn a living in the U.S., this is unacceptable. We believe in a Hawai‘i where people looking for work can find good jobs, where hard work pays, and where responsibility is rewarded. We believe every worker should have a voice on the job and a chance to negotiate for a fair day's pay after a hard day's work.
Getting an education is a right and the surest path to success, and will give our youth the opportunity to fulfill their dreams and contribute to our economy. Hawai‘i’s public education is currently recognized as among the worst in the U.S.  Every child in Hawai‘i must have access to a world-class public education. This will require excellence at every level of our education system, from early learning through post-secondary education.
We can move towards a sustainable energy-independent future as we consider all of Hawai‘i’s vast natural resources such as: wind, solar, biofuels, and hydropower.  Hawai‘i can and should be the U.S. leader in building a clean energy economy by extending clean energy incentives that support Hawai‘i’s businesses and jobs throughout Hawai‘i.
We envision Hawai‘i becoming the global laboratory for sustainability.  We must move away from our dependence on Tourism, in part by revamping our tourist industry from Commercial Tourism to Eco-Tourism and Cultural-Tourism which in part will stimulate our Ag-Industry which in turn will increase employment and prudent land management.
We believe in a Hawai‘i with greater economic security and opportunity, an economy built to last and built from the ground up.  A strong and vibrant economy driven by education, energy, innovation and infrastructure, and tax incentives that will help create jobs.  We believe in deficit reduction by cutting out programs we can't afford and by shrinking the government where it has grown ineffective.  We believe in restoring to everyone who works hard and plays by the rules the opportunity to find a job that pays the bills, turn an idea into a profitable business, care for your ‘ohana, afford a home you call your own, health care you can count on, retire with dignity and respect, and, most of all, give our children the kind of education that allows them to dream even bigger and go even further than we ever imagined.
This has to be our Hōkūleʻa (ancient Hawaiian navigational star), to focus on our economy.  This is not a trivial political argument. It is one of the defining issues of our time and at the core of Hawai‘i’s high cost of living (highest in the U.S.) and subsequent pressure to reduce our quality of life.  Many of the problems we are facing today have been with us for decades, a result of poor governance.  We know that changing the system and status quo will not be easy and will take time.  However, we must press forward.  We need a government that will stand for the hopes, values, and interests of the People of Hawai‘i.
It's time to stop just talking about family values and start pursuing policies that truly value families.  We recognize the ‘Ohana (family) as the fundamental building block that makes up the very fabric of the community, society, and Hawai‘i.  Strong families = strong communities and strong communities = a strong Hawai‘i.  As such, the ‘ohana and those individuals making up the ‘ohana unit (kamali‘i, makua, and kupuna) must be cherished, respected, and protected.
We are committed to the most open, efficient, and accountable government in Hawai‘i's history, and we believe that government is more accountable when it is transparent. We believe initiatives are needed to empower the public—through greater openness and new technologies—to influence the decisions that affect their lives. We are committed to using government as a platform to promote innovation and collaboration. Initiatives to release more information to the public so that the private sector can pioneer innovative new services.
Home ownership continues to be the American Dream, but shelter is also a basic human need.  Hawai'i being rated as the highest cost of living in the U.S. is simply not acceptable.  We believe that adequate, accessible, affordable, and safe housing should be available to all the People of Hawai‘i.  
We believe in a Hawai‘i where everybody gets a fair shot and everybody plays by the same set of rules.  At the core of the Kānaka Party is the principle that no one should face discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability status.  We support civil rights statutes and the enforcement of laws that prohibit discrimination in the workplace and other settings.  We are committed to protecting all communities from violence.  We are committed to ending racial, ethnic, and religious profiling and requiring state, and local enforcement agencies to take steps to eliminate the practice. We are committed to equal opportunity for all of Hawai‘i’s People and to making sure that everyone in Hawai‘i is treated equally under the law.
Too many of Hawai‘i’s People are homeless (the highest homeless rate in the U.S.) and live with little hope for a better future, family-supporting jobs, or even food security. Many of these individuals and families work, but are unable to pay their bills.  This is not acceptable and cannot stand, we must raise the minimum wage and index it to inflation. We must fight for equal pay for equal work, and a fair balance between employer, employee expectations and rights, and access to a world-class education for every child.  
We will help lift people with disabilities out of poverty.  We understand that poverty disproportionately affects communities of color and we are committed to working with those most affected by poverty.  We will look at tax credits for low-income families to encourage work and education while lifting families out of poverty.  In addition, to enhance access and equity in employment, education, and business opportunities, we encourage initiatives to remove any barriers to equal opportunity that may still exist in Hawai‘i.
We support arts funding and education. We are committed to our creative arts industry and economy.  Investment in the arts strengthens our communities and contributes to Hawai‘i’s rich cultural heritage.  Hawai‘i is enriched when we protect and promote the unique and original artistic and cultural contributions of the individuals who create and preserve our multi-cultural heritage.
We recognize the U.S. Armed Forces in Hawai‘i. Their families sacrifice to serve and defend the U.S. and we honor their service. We support the best possible care of wounded and disabled veterans.  We also understand the positive impact that the U.S. Armed Forces has on Hawai‘i’s economy and we support this continued relationship.  However, what we cannot support, and will advocate against, is the continued bombing of our ʻĀina (Land) and the desecration of what many consider special and sacred places.
Hawai‘i is currently ranked as the worst state to conduct business in the U.S.  Since small business is a key component for economic advancement in Hawai‘i the current business climate must change.  Attitudes, perceptions, procedures, and policies, must be changed. In addition, incentives must be considered to make Hawai‘i’s business climate much more welcoming towards businesses throughout the Pacific and U.S.
We understand the relationship between Kanaka and ʻĀina and the symbiotic relationship between the both.  As such, we are committed to protecting, preserving, perpetuating, and enriching our natural and cultural resources for our current and future generations.  From investing in clean energy to protecting our air, land, and water, the Kānaka Party will make the environment a top priority. We believe in the responsible development of our natural resources to create clean energy jobs while encouraging conservation, reducing energy waste, and protecting the environment.
We will act to cut pollution and advance public health—protecting our keiki and communities from harmful pollution by restoring and advancing safeguards for clean air and water and by working to reduce carbon pollution. Pollutants like nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and mercury are a threat to human health, and we will stand up to and hold polluters accountable in the interest of the environment and public health.
We recognize global climate change is one of the biggest threats of this generation and we are committed to doing our part to reducing the pollution that causes climate change.  We understand we must meet this challenge by regulation and market solutions and advocating for smart policies that lead to greater growth in clean energy generation that result in a range of economic and social benefits.
We will work with local communities to steward our publicly owned lands to ensure the integrity of our natural and cultural resources.  We will expand our efforts to conserve and restore our oceans, coasts, valleys, rivers, forests, watersheds, and mountains.  We will preserve landscapes and ecosystems and work towards a reasonable and sustainable balance between conservation, hunting, fishing, and recreation.  In addition, we will embrace a multicultural perspective to recognize, respect, and protect those places that are considered special and scared by the People of Hawai‘i and especially our host Hawaiian culture.
The Kānaka Party recognizes Kānaka ‘Oiwi as the indigenous people of Hawai‘i and will appreciate and respect our host culture.  
To make right what is wrong regarding the Overthrow of the Nation of Hawai‘i in 1893. 

Q:  Is restitution required?
A:  Yes, restitution for what was lost, e.g., lands, buildings, financial resources, national identity and status, language, culture, and the pride, faith and hope of a nation and people.

Q:  Is restoration required?
A:  Yes, restoration for what was taken, i.e., a Sovereign and Independent Nation of Hawai‘i.
Home rule for each island is a must and an important part of ensuring that government provides timely response  to each islandʻs unique needs and situation. Home rule will also encourage everyone to be productive members of society and an active participant in influencing government decision making and actions.
We seek to establish a regular public reporting/information system  for the State and County executive and legislative branches so that even people on the streets are aware of what  State and County leaders are doing and how taxpayer money is being productively used. Access to information builds credibility and promotes people participation in governance.
For our keiki, ourselves, kūpuna, and future generations, we need to create a better and brighter Hawaiʻi.  We deserve a higher quality of life; better traffic conditions; more affordable housing; address homelessness with compassion and aloha; hold the line on cost of living increases; confront rising drugs and crime; advocate for higher wages; better health care; improve the public school system; and better stewardship of our environment and natural resources. The following constitutes the platform of the Kānaka Movement.  
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