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Kūlia i ka nuʻu
In All things, Strive for Excellence
The official name of this political party shall be KĀNAKA PARTY. The official name of each County Political Party shall be “KĀNAKA PARTY county of Hawai‘i; Maui; Honolulu; and Kauai; respectively.
The Kānaka Party shall embrace, exemplify, and be guided by the following principles:
(1) Aloha Kānaka - We believe we must love and care for all people regardless of race, color, creed, or national origin. This includes the unborn, the living, and the dead. That we must mālama and protect the ʻohana, the basic building block of society. Whether speaking of homelessness, health care, cost of living, housing, jobs, education, or quality of life, it's all about loving and caring for the people and doing what's in their best interest.
(2) Mālama ʻĀina - We believe we must be pono stewards of the environment and all creatures in it. To understand the symbiotic relationship between kānaka and ʻāina, and to understand that ʻāina has mana, spirit, and intrinsic value beyond its economic value. That some ʻāina needs special attention and protection because of its sacred nature. That kānaka and ʻāina are inseparably connected and interdependent, one upon the other.
(3) Government Accountability & Transparency - We believe government must be of the people, by the people, and for the people. We believe government exists to serve the people. As such, government has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of the people, to do all things with transparency, and to be accountable to the people for its acts and non-acts.
(4) Ho‘oponopono the Overthrow - We believe we must make pono the Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i in 1893. That for the good of all the people of Hawai‘i, this wrong must be addressed and made right (ho‘oponopono). Only then will pono (balance and righteousness) return to the people and land and both will prosper. Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka ʻĀina I Ka Pono.
(5) Aloha ke Akua - We believe in recognizing and acknowledging ke Akua (the divine). Regardless of creed, all have the privilege to worship, or not, according to the dictates of their own conscience, let them worship how, where, and what they may.
Membership in the KĀNAKA PARTY shall consist of general members, active members, and members in good standing. General membership shall be open to all residents of the State of Hawai‘i. Active members shall be those who participate at State and or County Party meetings. Members in Good Standing shall be active members who support the Preamble, Core Statements, Principles, Values, Platform, Points of Light, Constitution, and Bylaws of the KĀNAKA PARTY.
Members of the KĀNAKA PARTY who would like to be a candidate for an elected office shall be a member in Good Standing and sign a document committing to represent and advocate for the Preamble, Core Statements, Principles, Values, Platform, Points of Light, Constitution, and Bylaws of the KĀNAKA PARTY.
Active members residing in Hawai‘i, may form a State or County caucus, respectively, for the purpose of electing caucus officers, nominating candidates where applicable, and performing other functions authorized by the State Party.
Each County with active members in the State of Hawai’i shall have a County Party within the State Party. The County structural organization shall consist of County Executive Officers, a County Executive Committee, special committees as needed, and the County Convention. The County Party may optionally establish a county Constitution and Bylaws, providing that they are in harmony with and subservient to this State Party Constitution and the State Party Bylaws.
The State structural organization shall consist of State Executive Officers, the State Executive Committee (consisting of the State Executive Officers and Congressional District representatives), the State Central Committee (consisting of the State Executive Committee and County representatives), and the State Convention. The auxiliary organization shall consist of State Standing Committees to be specified in the State Party Bylaws, any number of State Special Committees as needed, and auxiliary organizations as provided for in the State Party Bylaws. The State extended organization shall include all County and District organizations within the State Party.
Any County or State Officer of the KĀNAKA PARTY may be removed at any time for reasonable cause by an appropriate body.
The KĀNAKA PARTY shall elect Representatives and Alternates to the National Committee of the National KĀNAKA PARTY in the numbers authorized by the National KĀNAKA PARTY; and shall elect Delegates and Alternates to the National Convention of the National KĀNAKA PARTY at the times and in the numbers authorized by the National KĀNAKA PARTY.
The Kūpuna Council shall consist of recognized, respected, and pono kūpuna leaders. This advisory council shall provide mana‘o and guidance on all areas of the KĀNAKA PARTY, but especially in the area of cultural competence. The Kūpuna Council will act to ensure that the KĀNAKA PARTY is pono and reflects the traditional Hawaiian values upon which it was founded.
The Initial Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of the original 6-founding members of the KĀNAKA PARTY. Additional BOD members may be appointed as needed. The BOD may exist in perpetuity. The BOD shall appoint and organize all initial officers and committees of the KĀNAKA PARTY, as necessary, in the start-up phase of the KĀNAKA PARTY. The BOD shall act to protect, preserve, and perpetuate the principles, values, and vision of the KĀNAKA PARTY as it was founded. The BOD may remove any executive officer at the National or State level, for the good of the KĀNAKA PARTY.
This Constitution shall be the governing document for the KĀNAKA PARTY. It is severable in that if any portion hereof be declared void, all other portions shall remain binding and effective. The State Executive Committee (SEC) shall be the supreme governing body of the State Party. The SEC shall assume the role of the State Central Committee if that body is not organized or viable. The Board of Directors shall assume the role of the State Executive Committee if that body is not organized or viable.
Amendments and or revisions to this Constitution may be proposed by majority vote of the Board of Directors, State Executive Committee, State Central Committee, or the State Convention. Proposed amendments or revisions to this Constitution shall be ratified by two-thirds vote of the State Executive Committee. If the State Central Committee is not organized or viable, the Board of Directors may make necessary revisions (amend and ratify) to this Constitution for the good of the KĀNAKA PARTY.
This initial Constitution and the initial Bylaws of the State KĀNAKA PARTY shall be established by the Board of Directors. The Bylaws shall consist of rules of conduct and organization for the State Party in accordance with, and subordinate to, this Constitution.
The Board of Directors shall appoint and organize all initial officers and committees of the KĀNAKA PARTY, as necessary, in the start-up phase of the KĀNAKA PARTY. The initial State Executive Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The State Executive Committee, once organized and viable, shall appoint all other initial officers of the KĀNAKA PARTY, as delineated in this Constitution and the Bylaws of the KĀNAKA PARTY.
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