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Rainbow Falls, Hilo.

E kuahui like i ka hana
Let us all participate and work together


Pursuant to Article I of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

A. Legal Entity.
The official name of the organization shall be Hui Kānaka Kālaiʻāina.
The trade name shall be Kānaka Party, a.k.a., Kānaka Party of Hawaiʻi.

B. County Names.
(1) The official name of each County Party of the KĀNAKA PARTY shall be KĀNAKA PARTY County of Hawai‘i, KĀNAKA PARTY County of Maui, KĀNAKA PARTY County of Honolulu, and KĀNAKA PARTY County of Kauai respectfully.  (2) Each County Party may also be known as, KĀNAKA PARTY or KĀNAKA PARTY of Hawai‘i.

C. National Name.
(1) The KĀNAKA PARTY shall be affiliated with the national KĀNAKA PARTY, subject to approval of the National Committee of the KĀNAKA PARTY.

Pursuant to Article II of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:
Aloha Kānaka - We believe we must love and care for all people regardless of race, color, creed, or national origin.  This includes the unborn, the living, and the dead.  That we must mālama and protect the ʻohana, the basic building block of society.  Whether speaking of homelessness, health care, cost of living, housing, jobs, education, or quality of life, it's all about loving and caring for the people and doing what's in their best interest.

(2)  Mālama ʻĀina - We believe we must be pono stewards of the environment and all creatures in it.  To understand the symbiotic relationship between kānaka and ʻāina, and to understand that ʻāina has mana, spirit, and intrinsic value beyond its economic value. That some ʻāina needs special attention and protection because of its sacred nature.  That kānaka and ʻāina are inseparably connected and interdependent, one upon the other.

(3)  Government Accountability & Transparency - We believe government must be of the people, by the people, and for the people.  We believe government exists to serve the people.  As such, government has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of the people, to do all things with transparency, and to be accountable to the people for its acts and non-acts. 

(4)  Ho‘oponopono the Overthrow - We believe we must make pono the Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i in 1893.  That for the good of all the people of Hawai‘i, this wrong must be addressed and made right (ho‘oponopono).  Only then will pono (balance and righteousness) return to the people and land and both will prosper.  Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka ʻĀina I Ka Pono. 

(5)  Aloha ke Akua - We believe in recognizing and acknowledging ke Akua (the dvine). Regardless of creed, all have the privilege to worship, or not, according to the dictates of their own conscience, let them worship how, where, and what they may.

Pursuant to Article III of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

A. General Members.
(1) A “general member” of the KĀNAKA PARTY is any resident of the State of Hawai‘i who claims membership in the State Party, but who does not necessarily participate in State or County Party activities.

B. Active Members.
(1) An “active member” of the State Party is one who is a registered voter in the State of Hawai‘i, and who attends, participates and votes at State or County Conventions or meetings of the State Party.  (2) A member may be denied active participation in the State Party for reasonable cause by two-thirds vote of the State Central Committee.

C. Good Standing.
(1) A member in Good Standing is one who is current with all KĀNAKA PARTY dues and payments, and supports the Preamble, Core Statements, Principles, Values, Platform, Points of Light, Constitution, and Bylaws of the KĀNAKA PARTY.

Pursuant to Article IV of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

A. KĀNAKA PARTY Candidates.
(1) To further the KĀNAKA PARTY and its Principles and Values, the State Party shall identify, nominate, assist, and support candidates for County, State, and National elected office.  Candidates must commit to represent and advocate for the Core Statements, Principles, Values, Platform, and Points of Light, of the KĀNAKA PARTY.  (2) Candidates shall also uphold and defend the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Hawai‘i.  (3) In addition, candidates must be committed to building the State Party.  (4) Lastly, candidates for public office shall be members of the State Party in Good Standing.

B. Non-KĀNAKA PARTY Candidates.
(1) The State Central Committee may choose to endorse and/or support non-party candidates for public office, who meet the ideals expected of State Party candidates, who are not in direct contest with any State Party, County Party, or National Party nominees for public office.

C. Party Assistance.
(1) The State Party shall endeavor to assist County Parties with organization, voter education, ballot qualification, recruiting, fund raising, public relations, and other services.

Pursuant to Article V of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

A. Congressional Caucus.
(1) Each Congressional District with active members residing in the district, may have a Congressional District Caucus.  (2) Such caucuses may meet at prescribed times during meetings of the State Convention, and at non-convention times as determined by the caucus members. (3) The caucus shall also elect members from the district as Congressional District Representatives to the State Executive Committee.  (4) The caucus may nominate its candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives.

B. Senate Caucus.
(1) Each state Senate District with active members residing in the district, may have a Senate District Caucus.  (2) Such caucuses may meet at prescribed times during meetings of either the State or County Conventions for single-county senate districts, or during meetings of the State Convention for multi-county senate districts, and at non-convention times as determined by the caucus members.  (3) The caucus may nominate its candidate for the State Senate seat.
C. Legislative Caucus.
(1) Each state House of Representatives District with active members residing in the district, may have a Legislative District Caucus.  (2) Such caucuses may meet at prescribed times during meetings of either the State or County Conventions for single-county house districts, or during meetings of the State Convention for multi-county house districts, and at non-convention times as determined by the caucus members.  (3) The caucus may nominate its candidate for the State House of Representatives seat.

D. Precinct Caucus.
(1) Each Precinct District with active members residing in the district, may have a Precinct Caucus.  (2) Such caucuses may meet at any time as determined by the caucus members.

E. Caucus Officers.
(1) Each district caucus may elect officers such as Chair and Vice Chair, as the caucus members see fit.  (2) Elections shall normally be held on an annual basis during the first caucus meeting of each year.

Pursuant to Article VI of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

A. Executive Officers.
(1) The County Executive Officers shall consist of a Chair, one or more Vice-Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer. (2) Any and all officer positions may be combined as one as needed.  (3) The officers shall be elected for a two-year term by the County Convention held in odd-numbered years; and by the County Executive Committee whenever needed to fill an officer vacancy.  Note:  There is no limits to the number of consecutive terms that an Executive Officer may serve.  (4) The officers shall be members of and preside over the County Executive Committee and the County Convention.  (5) The order of succession in case of absence or vacancy of the Chair shall be the Vice Chair(s), Secretary, and Treasurer.  (6) Officers may be removed at any time for reasonable cause by two-thirds vote of the County Executive Committee.  (7) The officers shall meet at least quarterly either in person or by suitable electronic means.  (8) Their duties shall be comparable to those of their corresponding State Party Executive Officers, but limited in scope to the county level.

B. Executive Committee.
(1) The County Executive Committee shall consist of the County Executive Officers and a limited number of other individuals, as determined by the County Convention.  (2) The non-Officer Executive Committee members shall be elected for a one-year term by the County Convention at its annual meeting; and by existing members of the Executive Committee to fill committee member vacancies.  (3) The Executive Committee shall meet at least quarterly in person or by suitable electronic means to (a) set County Party policy; (b) conduct the affairs of the County Party organization; (c) approve or reject any actions of the County Executive Officers; (d) select individuals to fill vacancies for any position within the County Party jurisdiction; (e) perform other functions as specified in the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution and these Bylaws; and (f) conduct other appropriate business.  (4) The County Executive Officers may assume the role of the County Executive Committee if that body has not been organized.

C. County Convention.
(1) The County Convention shall consist of the county Executive Officers, all county Executive Committee members, and all active members that reside in the county.  (2) New party members may be seated as delegates to the County Convention at the discretion of the already seated delegates.  (3) The County Convention shall (a) meet at least annually in person or by suitable electronic means, and elect non-Officer county Executive Committee members for a one-year-term; (b) in odd-numbered years elect county Executive Officers for a two-year term; (c) in even-numbered years nominate candidates for public office to county offices and single-county state senate and house districts within the county, as needed; and (d) conduct other appropriate business as specified by the county Executive Committee, in the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution and elsewhere in these Bylaws.  (4) The County Executive Committee may assume the role of the County Convention if that body has not been organized.

D. Special Committees.
(1) County Special Committees may be created by the County Executive Committee for specific County Party purposes and limited periods of time; and may be dissolved at any time by the County Executive Committee.  (2) Committee chairs and members shall be determined by the County Executive Committee.  (3) Each special committee may create subcommittees that are limited to the scope, function and time confines of the parent committee.

Pursuant to Article VII of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

A. Executive Officers.
(1) The State Executive Officers shall consist of a Chair, one or more Vice Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer.  (2) Any and all officer positions may be combined as one as needed.  (3) The officers shall be elected for a two-year term by the State Convention held in odd-numbered years; and by the state Executive Committee whenever needed to fill an officer vacancy.  Note:  There is no limits to the number of consecutive terms that an Executive Officer may serve.  (4) The officers shall be members of and preside over the State Executive Committee, State Central Committee, and the State Convention.  (5) The order of succession in case of absence or vacancy of the Chair shall be a Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.  (6) Officers may be removed at any time for reasonable cause by two-thirds vote of the State Central Committee.  (7) The officers shall meet at least quarterly either in person or by suitable electronic means.

B. Officer Duties.
(1) The State Chair shall (a) preside over the Executive Officers and all State Party meetings; (b) be the sole spokesman for the State Party; and (c) oversee and coordinate the activities of all State Party organizations within the State. (2) The State Vice-Chair(s) shall (a) assist the State Chair in his duties; (b) and perform other duties assigned by the State Chair. (3) The State Secretary shall (a) notify all appropriate members of scheduled state meetings; (b) keep minutes and records for all such meetings; (c) report meetings of minutes when appropriate; (d) maintain a database of all active members within the State; and (e) file any State Party non-financial reports required by law. (4) The State Treasurer shall (a) maintain all State Party financial records; (b) report on State Party finances when appropriate; (c) make deposits and expenditures as directed by the State Executive Committee; and (d) file any financial reports required by law. (5) The several officers shall also (a) perform duties specified elsewhere in these Bylaws and in the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution; and (b) perform other functions related to their respective positions.

C. Executive Committee.
(1) The State Executive Committee shall consist of the State Executive Officers and three elected or appointed representatives from each organized Congressional District Caucus. (2) The Executive Committee shall meet at least quarterly in person or by suitable electronic means to (a) set State Party policy; (b) conduct the affairs of the State Party organization; (c) determine the maximum number of State Convention delegates allowed for each county (based roughly on population); (d) approve or reject any actions of the state Executive Officers; (e) select individuals to fill vacancies for state, county, caucus or committee positions that have not been filled by other appropriate means; (f) perform all other functions specified in the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution and these Bylaws; (g) and conduct other appropriate business. (3) The State Executive Officers may assume the role of the state Executive Committee if that body has not been organized; and may act temporarily for the Executive Committee in urgent matters until the Executive Committee can be convened.

D. Central Committee.
(1) The State Central Committee shall consist of the State Executive Officers, all non-Officer members of the State Executive Committee, and the County Chairs (or their representatives) from each organized County Party.  (2) The Central Committee shall meet at least annually in person or by suitable electronic means to (a) approve or reject any actions by the state Executive Officers or the State Executive Committee; (b) perform other functions as specified in the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution and these Bylaws; and (c) conduct other appropriate business.  (3) The State Executive Committee may assume the role of the State Central Committee if that body has not been organized.

E. State Convention.
(1) The State Convention shall consist of the state Executive Officers (as delegates-at-large), and all state delegates elected at the several County Conventions. (2) Other State Party members may be seated as delegates to the State Convention at the discretion of the already seated delegates. (3) The State Convention shall meet at least annually in person or by suitable electronic means to (a) elect non-Officer state Executive Committee members for a one-year term; (b) in odd-numbered years elect state Executive Officers for a two-year term; (c) in even-numbered years nominate candidates for public office for federal, state and multi-county offices, and for local offices not voted on by a County Convention, as needed; and (d) conduct other appropriate business as specified by the state Executive Committee, in the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution and elsewhere in these Bylaws. (4) The State Convention, for reasonable cause and by two-thirds vote, may overturn the nomination of candidates for public office by a County Party or District Caucus election, and elect new nominees. (5) The state Central Committee may assume the role of the State Convention if that body has not been organized.

F. Standing Committees.
(1) The state Standing Committees shall consist of the Rules, Events, Membership, Issues, Fund Raising, and Media Committees.  (2) The Rules Committee shall draft procedural rules for meetings, and advise on proposed changes to the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution and these Bylaws.  (3) The Events Committee shall plan and coordinate State Party activities.  (4) The Membership Committee shall plan and coordinate recruiting efforts.  (5) The Issues Committee shall oversee Platform development and assist candidates with campaign issues. (6)  The Fund Raising shall strategize and coordinate fund raising events/programs to insure that the State Party has adequate funds to conduct its work and move forward as necessary.  (7) The Media Committee shall conduct public relations, prepare campaign materials, and maintain the State Party web site.  (8) These committees may perform other related functions as determined by the state Executive Committee.

G. Special Committees.
(1) State special committees may be created by the state Executive Committee for specific purposes and limited periods of time, and may be dissolved at any time by the state Executive Committee. (2) Committee chairs and members shall be determined by the state Executive Committee. (3) Each special committee may create subcommittees that are limited to the scope, function and time confines of the parent committee.
Pursuant to Article VIII of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:
A. Removal of County Officer
A. Action.
An action to remove a County Officer of the KĀNAKA PARTY may be made by majority vote by the following bodies: Board of Directors, State Executive Committee, State Central Committee, and County Executive Committee.

B. Notice
The body taking the action shall inform the Officer of the proposed action and why.

C. Process
The State Executive Committee will determine a fair process to research the situation, talk to relevant parties, gather information, and share findings with the State Central Committee.

D. Determination.
After review of findings and any other relevant information, the State Central Committee will make a determination based on reasonable cause by a three-fifths vote and report back to the State Executive Committee. The State Executive Committee will then implement what ever action is required.  Note: The Officer being charged will not participate in any voting process.

B. Removal of State Officer
A. Action.
An action to remove a State Officer of the KĀNAKA PARTY may be made by majority vote by the following bodies: Board of Directors, State Executive Committee, and State Central Committee.

B. Notice
The body taking the action shall inform the Officer of the proposed action and why.

C. Process
The Board of Directors will determine a fair process to research the situation, talk to relevant parties, gather information, and share findings with the State Central Committee.

D. Determination.
After review of findings and any other relevant information, the State Central Committee will make a determination based on reasonable cause by a three-fifths vote and report back to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will then implement what ever action is required.  Note: The Officer being charged will not participate in any voting process.

Pursuant to Article IX of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

A. National Committee.
(1) The State Convention at its annual meeting shall elect Representatives and Alternates to the National Committee of the National KĀNAKA PARTY for a one-year term. (2) Alternates shall be numbered as 1st, 2nd, etc.

B. National Convention.
(1) The State Convention at the times specified by the National KĀNAKA PARTY shall elect Delegates and Alternates to the National Convention of the National KĀNAKA PARTY for a term through the end of the presidential election year. (2) Alternates shall be numbered as 1st, 2nd, etc.

C. Vacancies.
(1) The state Executive Committee if in session, or else the State Chair or his representative, may temporarily appoint individuals to fill vacancies in the KĀNAKA PARTY delegations to the National Committee or National Convention.

Pursuant to Article X of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

A. Kūpuna Council.
(1) The Kūpuna Council members shall consist of recognized, respected, and pono kūpuna (50 yrs +) leaders.  (2) The Kūpuna Council shall meet at least once a year in person or by suitable electronic means to (a) provide mana‘o and guidance on all areas of the KĀNAKA PARTY, but especially in the area of cultural competence; (b) act to ensure that the KĀNAKA PARTY is pono and reflects the traditional Hawaiian values upon which it was founded;  (c) conduct any other affairs of the Kūpuna Council as specified in the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution and these Bylaws.  

B. Officers.
(1) The Kūpuna Council Officers shall consist of a Chair, one or more Vice Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer (optional).  (2) Any and all officer positions may be combined as one as needed.  (3) The officers shall be elected for a three-year term by members of the Kūpuna Council by majority vote.  There shall be no limit to the number of consecutive terms a Kūpuna Council Officer may serve.  (4) The order of succession in case of absence or vacancy of the Chair shall be a Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.  (5) The Kūpuna Council shall consist of no more than 9-members, and strive to have an equal number of males and females, as much as possible.  (5) Members and officers may be removed at any time for reasonable cause by two-thirds vote of the Kūpuna Council or by the Board of Directors as needed.  
Pursuant to Article XI of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

(1) The Initial Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of the original 6-founding members of the KĀNAKA PARTY, i.e., Barbara (Bobbi) Anne Cuttance, Gloria ʻAlohiwailani Ishibashi, Herbert (Pua) Pualiʻialoha Ishibashi, Jr., Ana (Nawahine) Nawahine-Kahoʻopiʻi, Ariel (Ipolani) D. T. Murphy, and Stephen (Kaleopono) Sheffield Norris.  (2) The BOD shall meet as often as necessary in person or by suitable electronic means to (a) conduct the affairs of the BOD, including, but not limited to protecting, preserving, and perpetuating the founding principles, values, and vision of the KĀNAKA PARTY as it was founded; and (b) appoint and organize all initial officers and committees of the KĀNAKA PARTY, as necessary, in the start-up phase of the KĀNAKA PARTY.

B. Board of Directors Expansion & Size
The BOD may appoint additional BOD members as it sees fit. 
The BOD shall consist of no less than 6-members and no more than 9-members.
The BOD may appoint additional BOD members as it sees fit over 9-members by amending these by-laws.

C. Equity & Office
Members of the BOD shall be equal in authority, power, and rights, however, they may organize, including choosing a Chair, by majority vote.  Members of the BOD may concurrently serve in any office of the KĀNAKA PARTY.

D. Influence.
The BOD may share mana‘o and guidance as they wish for the good of the KĀNAKA PARTY with any unit, committee, council, or body of the KĀNAKA PARTY. 

E. Continuity.
Should a member of the BOD pass, become incapacitated, or choose to no longer participate in the BOD, the remaining BOD members shall appoint (via majority vote) a new BOD member from the membership of the KĀNAKA PARTY who is both Active and In Good Standing.  

F.  Quorum.
The BOD shall conduct business with a simple majority of active members.  For example 4 of 6-members and 5 of 9-members. 

F.  Voting
All voting shall be by majority vote.
The Chair may vote on all issues before the BOD.
Should there be a tie vote because of an even number of BOD members, the motion will be rejected.

G.  Perpetuity.
The BOD shall be perpetual for the good of the KĀNAKA PARTY.

G. Removal.
Any member of the BOD may be removed at any time, for good cause, by majority vote of the BOD.  Any Executive Officer of the KĀNAKA PARTY, at the National or State level, may be removed at any time, for good cause, by majority vote of the BOD.  The BOD actions in these matters shall be final.

Pursuant to Article XII of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

A. Supremacy.
The Constitution shall be the governing document for the KĀNAKA PARTY.  It is severable in that if any portion hereof be declared void, all other portions shall remain binding and effective.  The State Executive Committee (SEC) shall be the supreme governing body of the State Party.  The SEC shall assume the role of the State Central Committee if that body is not organized or viable.  The Board of Directors shall assume the role of the State Executive Committee if that body is not organized or viable.

B. Continuity.
These Bylaws shall be in harmony with, and subservient to, the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution.  These Bylaws are severable in that if any portion hereof be declared void, all other portions shall remain binding and effective.  (3) All provisions of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution shall be considered a prime part of these Bylaws.  (4) All State and County Party officers, candidates, organizations and members shall adhere to the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution and these Bylaws.

C. Crossovers.
(1) Vacancies in County Chair positions may be filled temporarily by a member outside of that county when there are no members in the county available to fill the position.  (2) Vacancies in non-Officer state Executive Committee positions for a Congressional District may be filled temporarily by a member outside of the Congressional District when there are no district members available to fill the position.

D. Notices.
(1) All notices for Regular and Special meetings of the State and County Parties shall be sent to all applicable members via post or by suitable electronic means between 30 and 45 days prior to the scheduled meeting.  (2) The notices shall include the date, time, location, proposed agenda, and purpose for which the meeting is called.  (3) Emergency meetings for a bona fide emergency may be called with minimal but adequate notice. (4) For Special and Emergency meetings, only the business proposed in the notice agenda may considered or acted upon at the meeting.

E. Quorums.
(1) The quorum for a meeting of the State or County Conventions shall be whoever is in attendance.  (2) A quorum for all other State or County Party meetings shall consist of at least one-half of the Committee Members.  (3) If there is lack of quorum, business may still be conducted, but all votes of an enduring nature must be submitted to all vote-entitled Committee Members either by post, courier or suitable electronic means for ratification by the same voting percentage that would have been required for the original vote.

F. Voting.
(1) All questions or issues before State and County Party meetings shall require a majority vote of those voting, except where specified otherwise in the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution or these Bylaws.  (2) No individual shall have more than one vote.  (3) There shall be no proxy voting.

G. Elections.
(1) Whenever there are two or more State or County Party candidates seeking the same officer position or nomination for public office, voting shall be done by secret ballot.  (2) A choice of “none of the above” shall also be a valid choice.  (3) If there is a plurality winner among candidates, then one or more run-off elections of the highest vote getters shall be immediately held until there is a majority winner.  (4) In case of an election tie, lots shall be drawn by the candidates who are tied to determine the winner.

H. Parliamentary Rule.
(1) Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, when not in contradiction to the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution and Bylaws, shall be followed at all State and County Party meetings, unless suspended for the meeting by two-thirds vote of the voting Members present.

Pursuant to Article XIII of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

A. Proposing.
(1) Amendments and or revisions to this Constitution may be proposed by majority vote of the Board of Directors, State Executive Committee, State Central Committee, or the State Convention.  (2) Such amendments or revisions must be in harmony with the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution.

B. Ratification.
(1) Proposed amendments or revisions to these Bylaws shall be ratified by a three-fifths vote of the State Central Committee; (2) If the State Central Committee is not organized or viable, the Board of Directors may make necessary revisions (amend and ratify) to this Constitution for the good of the KĀNAKA PARTY.

C. Waiver.
Any provision of these Bylaws may be waived by three-fourths vote of the State Central Committee at any Regular or Special meeting for a period not to exceed six months or until the next meeting of the State Central Committee.

Pursuant to Article XIV of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

A. Establishment.
(1) These initial Bylaws, and the initial Constitution of the KĀNAKA PARTY shall be established, by majority vote, by the Board of Directors; (2) These Bylaws shall consist of rules of conduct and organization for the State Party in accordance with, and subordinate to, the Constitution.

Pursuant to Article XV of the KĀNAKA PARTY Constitution:

A. All Initial Officers and Committees.
The Board of Directors shall appoint and organize, by majority vote, all initial officers and committees of the KĀNAKA PARTY, as necessary, in the start-up phase of the KĀNAKA PARTY.

B. Initial State Executive Committee.
The initial State Executive Committee shall be appointed, by majority vote, by the Board of Directors.

C. Initial State Executive Committee.
The State Executive Committee, once organized and viable, shall appoint, by majority vote, all other initial officers of the KĀNAKA PARTY, as delineated in this Constitution and the Bylaws of the KĀNAKA PARTY.

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